Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Truth About Oblivion

The Truth About Oblivion
by Syl

And like the apocalypse, the devastation isn't apparent.

It's quiet in the air like a carbon monoxide leak, like someone is mouthing words with no voice.

It's like wet wallpaper, crawling down the walls of a falling-down house.

And so this is loneliness.

And so this is captivation. 

And so this is what you get for being a little reckless when you were 16.

This is the middle, this is charm. This is a planet with no air.

So here's to hoping.

Here's to getting off this star, and going somewhere lightyears and lightyears away.

It's a bone-breaking silence. It's a war.

It's the exact opposite of the feeling that someone is watching you. It's the feeling that no one is.

This is oblivion.

This is me and my own universe without a single other soul. Me and the moon.



  1. "It's the exact opposite of the feeling that someone is watching you. It's the feeling that no one is." I freaking LOVE this line. It's so straight forward that it's cool!

  2. You always have something profound to say that makes readers think. "And so this is loneliness.
    And so this is captivation." These statements seem almost opposite, but at the same time it really makes you consider.

  3. Hmm...which line to single out.

    Like wet wallpaper, crawling down the walls of a falling-down house.

    You took me back to the house I grew up in. I hadn't been back there for years. We had wallpaper in the kitchen that looked like a sunset. (It was the 80's.) But you did it with more than the wallpaper. It was the disappointment. The devastation. The simplicity.

    You make the strange familiar and the familiar strange.

  4. Your writing really puts me in a different place, a weird place, a thoughtful place.

  5. syl you are so beautiful. syl your words are so beautiful. your insides are so beautiful! i just thought i'd let you know.

  6. You've set up such a chilling image of your own boulevard-- oblivion. It's not what most people would think of, but after reading this I'd rather be ANYWHERE else.

    I've often thought about the idea of hell, most people think of fire and brimstone. But what if, like your entry, it was just-- nothing?

    Fantastic post, keep it up.

  7. This. Is. Beautiful. I. Am. Jealous.

  8. Absolutely amazing! I love the expressive emotion, it's raw and powerful, and really makes you think about the abstract. Thank you for this awesome post!

  9. "And so this is loneliness."

    #simple #beautiful


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